Monday, February 12, 2007

A Note From Sarah

"I never had the awesome opportunity of being around Uncle Hassler a whole lot, but when I was around him it was always special.

I love the way his heart is towards the Lord and how the joy and positive attitude he has reflects Christ to others. I have always loved hearing his stories and the way Nana has always told me how special a brother he is to her.

I also really appreciate the encouraging notes and birthday cards as well as the verses and "counseling" my husband & I received from him in the mail. The marriage magazine subscription has also been great for us starting out this first year married.

Uncle Hassler is such an example to me of someone who wants to live life to the fullest and continue to run the race. No matter what struggles or losses he has experienced, he continually looks forward to his eternal reward and place in Heaven.

Thank you Uncle Hassler for being so kind and loving an example to me to never give up on the things I want and God wants with my life." Sarah

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